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Bodnik Bows is a valued member of the Bearpaw Products Group – where all the designs of Bearpaw Products begin their life – Henry Bodnik and Christoph Unger collaborate on the design, materials, looks, physics, and the quality of each bow design. Bodnik Bows have become world renowned as top end bows. They have been made to their own strong quality guidelines since the beginning and according to American standards for over a decade in their own bow workshop.
Master Bowyer Christoph Unger who has a real passion for archery supervises the team of production bow makers, who not only have personal experience but can also rely on the extensive knowledge of American bowyers, as some of them have been trained in the US, so once in a while exchange know-how with other bow builders. Each and every bow is painstakingly crafted by this skilled bowyer team, who produce more then 4000 glass laminated bows in small batches, in series every year. The glass laminate which is used can guarantee the special quality and efficiency of the bows. So much so, that world renowned shooter Byron Ferguson appreciatively said:
“Bodnik Bows are great!”