The Sagittarius Longbow.
The Sagittarius Longbow basic design goes back into the dim past, but to bring it more up to date it is a combination of English longbow and american Indian flat bow. The length gives sweetness of draw, silence and great power to cast a heavy arrow, while the flattened square section of the limb provides speed, stability and safety to this the American Longbow. The most significant factor contributing to the accuracy of the Sagittarius Longbow is the lack of parabular imparted to the arrow, due mainly to the long smooth push, as opposed to the very explosive thrust of a short recurve limb. Briefly, this means that where the arrow is pointing, as seen in the outer vision, is where it will hit, if technique is not at fault. A good archer with this type of bow will experience the magic of actually seeing the arrow leave the bow and with no apparent deviation, travel to the centre of the mark. Howard Hill, although one of the greatest archers of our time, admitted he could not have shot with such accuracy without this type of flat bow.
Rex Oakes – The Bowyer.
In his own words – As a boy I had the great fortune to have an uncle (James Hooper) with a museum, later to be recognized as the greatest private collection of ethnographically objects in the world. I took my pick of the weapons considered not good enough for display, and played with spears, boomerangs, tomahawks and of course bows and arrows. The bug bit hard when i was about nine years old, I had taken a short African bow and a few arrows out to try, my target was a roof timber high in a derelict house. As that arrow thudded into the wood and quivered with the impact, i experienced a thrill as never before, and from that time on a bow was never far from my side, and that was forty years ago. Since then I have shot and made almost every type of bow there is, and i feel my love of the Longbow will last at least another forty years!
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